graphic design areas: feature image
Career Graphic Design

Graphic Design Areas

Graphic design wants to send a visual message to specific social groups with a determined purpose; the designer is the indispensable part of that communication. The purpose of the message depends on the area that you work in.

There are many graphic design areas, and one person can’t know everything about them. That’s why when they’re going to start to work; they have to be sure which one fits them the most.

These are some of the most common areas, their details, and what a designer has to know when they will work with them. So if you are a designer or a student that still doesn’t know which one is the best for you, this article may help you a lot.

Editorial Design

This is one of the most common and traditional areas. Here the designer organizes printed publications such as newspapers, comics, menus, magazines, books, and many other publications.

Although nowadays, in the digital era, we can mix the printed with the digital design with smartphones and tablets.

editorial design: magazines

The editorial design’s purpose isn’t just to promote a product or an opinion. It could be to entertain, inform, educate, and even create a mix between all of them. Also, it searches to keep people’s attention.

These designers have to put text and images in a way that could be enjoyable for the public.

The professional in this domain has to know about typography, colors, similarity. But the most important is to have an agile mind to organize all the information in a way that could be simple and understandable.

Advertising And Marketing Design

The advertising design basically creates an image to promote a product or a service. But it isn’t that simple. The image has to make people feel attracted and practically obligated to buy the product.

The object of marketing is to increase the value of a specific product. This could happen if the clients buy it, and that’s why advertising and marketing work side by side.

new york square advertising

This graphic design area demands a strategic and commercial mind to use creativity, motivation, and persuasion to sell the product to a specific customer.

For that reason, they create advertisements, posters, flyers, printed and audiovisual announcements, and other things to make the product known.

The designers’ tools to promote the product are slogans, text, images, brands, colors, and their influence on people.

Packaging Design

The packaging design is narrowly related to advertising because the package is the first thing you see from a product. It also makes a product attractive or not.

This graphic design area focuses on creating a unique package for the product. At the same time, advertising and marketing are focused on promoting and selling the finished product.

The designed package has to make the product visually attractive and also has to be functional. The clients have to identify the product just by seeing the packet, and that’s the primary goal of this area.

packaging design

The packages could be boxes, bottles, cans, which depends on the designer’s creativity. But this doesn’t finish here. The designer also has to design stands and marketing campaigns.

Here creativity prevails over other abilities.

This may look like a not-so-profitable area, but it isn’t. Just think about all the new cosmetic products, natural medicine, and electronic products that need a proper parcel.

Brand Identity Design

This is an exceptional field because it’s connected with the other graphic design areas. Still, it’s independent in its own way at the same time.

Here the designer has to create the face and personality of a company and transmit its message correctly. At the same time, the professional needs to use advertising and marketing strategies or even create a new package for a product.

It has to design three aspects of the company: the first one is brand culture and values, the second one is the position in the market, and the last one is the brand’s visual components.

branding: nestle chocolate

One of the most essential parts of the last aspect it’s the logo design, but it isn’t just that simple. The designer has to devise stickers, uniforms, mascots, and everything that makes it easy for the clients to remember the company.

One of the primary purposes is to make the consumers remember the company and even bring them back for more.

Correctly creating a brand identity needs a lot of the previous investigation to catch the owner’s idea and make its company more relevant than the competitors.

Logo Design

Logos are graphic designs that allow identity to a company, product, or any public or private organization. It’s the first image of what it represents, and that’s why it has to be readable, reproducible, and unforgettable.

Web Design

It is the newest area of them all, and it’s revolutionizing all of graphic design.

Not just because of its scope, it’s doing it also because of its restrictions. This includes more than just design. It goes from interface design and user experience to interactivity, navigability, utility, the architecture of the information, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Like the brand identity design, this area integrates the knowledge and techniques of the other ones. It needs the organization and hierarchy of editorial design, simplicity, and functionality of brand identity and the visual perception of the advertising design. It is also related to programming.

graphic design areas: web design

The designer should know about HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to make the website appealing and easy to understand for the user.

The designer should also know about User Experience Design (UX design), which is how the user interacts and visualizes the site on different gadgets.

It has three phases: in the first one, the designer has to organize all the web page information just like in editorial design. The second one consists of structuring and classifying all the website pages by using HTML. Finally, the last one seeks to put the website in the first place of the searchers by using SEO techniques.

Multimedia Design

This one involves texts, images, photos, sounds, animations as a digital backup. Could use editorial and web design tools sometimes, but it isn’t always necessary.

Its goals are basically the same as the editorial design. This means it looks to entertain, educate, or communicate something to the public; everything depends on the designer’s idea and creativity.

multi media design: footage editing

The multimedia design is in charge of editing and publishing almost everything relating to digital content, such as eBooks, social media, electronic magazines, and newspapers.

These designers’ job is tied to multimedia fields such as television, film or audio productions, set design, and many others.

Final words: Graphic Design Areas

The job of a graphic designer isn’t as simple as many people think, and it’s even harder to choose a specialization to start working on. Because, even when they do it, they have to know some things about the other areas. They’re all related to each other and can’t be developed separately.

Also, that relationship between them is the one that allows catching the client’s idea successfully and delivering its request.

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