Logo designs are the most common and repetitive work that a graphic designer does. Different companies require different logo designs. But the main foundation or the way you make a logo design doesn’t change. So, in this article, I am going to share my 7 steps for the complete logo design process from start to finish.
When I was starting out creating a logo was a bit daunting for me. I am not saying it will be for you, but it was for me. It was just my process of going about creating a logo design was just wrong. It took me a few tries to get the logo design process right.
If you have gathered some experience as a graphics designer, you will know that to start the process of creating a logo design is the hardest. After you have started designing and have a foundation to build from everything falls into place.
Now let’s dive in the 7 steps you need to take in your logo design process from start to finish.
1. Logo Design Brief
The first thing I like to do when creating a logo design is to start with the logo design brief. A logo design brief consists of some simple and necessary things. It consists of all the essential elements that you need to put in your logo design.
You can think of the logo design brief as just a document that contains all the required vital information regarding the client and company that is important to create the logo design. The right logo design brief makes the life of the graphic designer much more comfortable.

It is even more critical to create a logo design brief if the logo you are trying to make is a business logo. Business logos usually have some crucial information that you always have to put in. For example, if the company you are working with has a slogan.
No one from the company mentioned you to put in the slogan. So, you gave them a logo that does not have the slogan in it. You submitted the logo and then after reviewing someone from the company gave you a call and mentioned that you need to include the slogan in the logo.
But no one from the company mentioned any slogan that was supposed to be included in the logo. So, you are now stuck with a redo. I hate doing any changes to finished logos. Because sometimes it may not look like before after adding the new information.
You may even have to scrap the previous logo and start making another one. Or sometimes edits take way longer than the time it took to make the whole logo. Sometimes it is straightforward to add a specific text to a logo, and sometimes it is very hard. It just depends on the design of your logo.

So, if you were making a design brief before the design of the logo, then you would have asked about all those questions regarding the logo. Asking these questions would have saved you a lot of time and energy.
Because time and energy both are valuable assets and you do not want to spend them doing edits you cringe about.
Always remember the difference between you and the next graphic designer is not how creative you are but it is about how good you are at satisfying your clients, and client satisfaction is one of the main pillars of our field.
You will have a high demand in this job field if you have clients that are satisfied with your work.
A good graphic designer will always do thorough research and will create a design brief that has all the information regarding the logo he is designing. Remember, your logo design should also include the type of design your client prefers.

Ask your client what sort of design they would prefer. Because you do not want them calling you after you have submitted the design and saying “Hey, the design you created is a bit too subtle for us. Please send us a bolder new design and standouts.”
You will be left scratching your head and thinking about what I did wrong! Well, for starters you forget to ask the client what sort of design they would like to have. Would they prefer something bold or something subtle? Never go with your intuition unless the client gives you the freedom to do so.
If you had asked those simple questions then now, you would not have to shelve the entire design and start from ground zero. Always ask questions because it is still better to be safe than sorry.
Always ask questions because it is better to be safe than sorry!
If your client says why you are asking all these questions, then tell them you are just trying to make sure you design a logo that checks all of their boxes and they are satisfied by the end product.
A logo design brief will always help you get out of that creator’s block that you face and will help you lay a solid foundation to design the logo that you want. Remember, a logo design brief is half of your logo. So, always try to make the best logo design brief possible.
Check out my article on How To Write A Logo Design Brief for more information about this topic.
2. Research! Research! Research!
After the logo design brief, the next step I follow is RESEARCH. I research about each and everything related to the logo design that I am about to create. Research is like laying the groundwork for all the things you are going to do with the logo design.
Research for a logo design could be easy, or at the same time, it could be one of the most challenging things you have to do. But you need to follow some rules when researching once you have all the general information regarding the logo design.

As a professional graphics designer, you need to remember that the information the client gives you is never enough. You need to go and Google the name of the company you are making the logo for. Try to find some information that will help you to make a better graphic design.
Always have a lookout for anything that might help you in the outcome of the design because your main focus should still be making that one masterpiece logo for your logo.
Research about what’s the current trend of logos that are related to the type of company you are creating the logo for.
3. Create A Concept
In this stage what you do is create concepts regarding the logo you are designing. Think about any assignments that were given to you. What did you do? You used to look at the title of the job and brainstorm regarding it.
You used to think about it and what angle you could start it, just like how I brainstorm before writing this article.

I was thinking about all the possible angles that I can work on this article. I wrote all of those ideas down and went with the one that I felt like had the best chance of getting the message across.
You also need to sketch down all the ideas and concepts that come into your mind when brainstorming about the logo design you are working on. You need to sketch them down; it is essential!
Do not be lazy. Because always remember Ideas do not come fully formed they become clear as you work on them.
4. Create Drafts
After you have a good concept about the logo design, it’s time for you to work on creating DRAFT logos. You will create digital versions of the idea you had it for the logo. The digital versions are created using a vector-based drawing program such as Adobe Acrobat.
5. Take Some Time Off
Take some time off. Have a breather from the current project you are doing. Because it will give you time to reflect. It might help you notice any flaws that you missed.
6. Feedback
This part is where you send the drafts to the client and ask for their Feedback. They will give you their feedback and let you know about any changes that they would like to make.

7. Submission
Submission is where you submit the final logo to the client. You always should provide the necessary formats that the client asks. Always, give them a copy of the main file.
Final Thoughts: Logo Design Process From Start To Finish
Here I shared with you guys the process I go through when creating a logo design. You do not need to follow this article as exactly but follow the steps as a guide. I believe it will help you tremendously. Good Luck, designing the logos!