Ok, now that year 2019 is over, let’s check the best logo ideas created in December of 2019.
1. SIGMA by Beret Graphics

Mmm, what it that pleasant aroma? They say you can not smell the pictures, but this logo for Sigma Café created by Beret Graphics will most definitely make you smell the coffee.
The typography of Sigma is skillfully designed into the shape of a hot coffee smoke. Serif font is usually perceived as more robustly, but in this case, typography acts elegant and soft. I like the detail of connecting letters but Beret didn’t merge all of them. The first two are joined together and then the next three as well.
This detail shows the Beret’s expertise, because it’s subtle but represents the true nature of a coffee smoke. The smoke is not constant in size, but one is smaller, and the next one might be larger. This process of exchanging smoke sizes continues until the coffee becomes cold.
On the other hand, the symbol of SIGMA is made from a sans-serif letter S and like the sign, it also represents the figure of a coffee smoke. This is another demonstration of the Beret skills, where he could choose the S letter from the signage which he already had to custom make, but he created a symbol from a different font family and designed a coffee smoke from it.
Besides that, the letter is constructed in such a way that it gives you the infinity effect, bravo! He didn’t use san-serif typography only for the symbol design, but he also made the Café inscription out of it.
2. Bluebird Music Festival by Brian Steely

Brian design a great looking logo for a Bluebird Music Festival. The thing I like the most about this logotype is how perfectly the shape of a bird wing and guitar fits together! Not only that, the two figures are naturally connected, but like an instrument, the birds make the sound with their wings when they fly.
The bird holding the tone in its beak further emphasizes the point of a music festival, but I don’t know if the bird is singing or will it swallow the note. If the bird consumes it, this can represent the audience listening to the artist. However, if the bird is singing or giving the note away, it portrays the artist giving the music to the audience.
Everything in the logo symbol is composed of outlined circles that give the logo a softer touch and could represent high notes in the music. Contrarily, Brian used thick typography for the writing, which could represent the deeper base tones. Besides that, the different thicknesses take care of the visual contrast.
The circular shape around the bird and the twirls inside make you feel like everything is moving/dancing like people usually do on music events.
3. Samobranka logotype by one-logo.com

Ok, let’s see what one-logo said about this intriguing logo created for Samobranka: “Here’s the logotype for a catering company. Naming reminds us of the old Russian myth about magic tablecloth producing plenty of food for its owner. So we drew the name in original style to highlight the connection with Russian traditions.”
I would add a few words to this statement. If you observe the logo carefully you will see that the whole logotype looks “lively,” and because of that, you immediately associate it with the food industry.
There is an additional element that connects the whole logo with the mentioned business and those are small crumbs scattered around it.
One-logo.com added an excellent presentation of a logo sketch, fonts, colors, and different ways of its use, so you can imagine how the logo will look like on the different products.
4. Queen Wordmark by Sumesh A K

If you check my other logo idea roundups here on DesignyUp, you will find out that I’m a HUGE fan of logotypes created with the help of negative space and Queen Wordmark made by Sumesh A K awakened my design buds.
The whole logotype is masterfully created, and Sumesh defined the logo with some details, and if you take a closer look, you can see how beautifully a tail of the letter Q and the queen’s collarbone coincide with each other. The only element that I’m not that fond of is the star shape because I don’t know it is meant to be a symbol of the hair clip or is it something else.
The font Sumesh A K used for the sign is a serif one, which is a brilliant choice when you want to add some seriousness and luxuriousness to the logo.
One thing I would do a bit differently is a color scheme. I would go with colors associated with royalty like blue, purple, or velvet.
5. AK Aesthetics – Logo Design by Adolfo Teixeira

Now let’s explore a great logo design for AK Aesthetics done by Adolfo Teixeira. But before we do that, let’s have a moment for a PRO tip.
I would say that the visual representation of the logo creation gives everyone an insight into the design process. You usually don’t know what kind of person your client is and if it is more of a visual type, or if he/she has no time to read how you came to the end logo result, presenting a logo in this way is a must.
Ok, now that we covered the right way of presenting the logo, let’s get back to the Adolfos logo. You can see how perfectly he combined three different shapes spear, letter A, and symbol for the rise. Those shapes were used for the logo because AK Aesthetics is a fitness clothing brand and they wanted to convey the spartan lifestyle like discipline and willpower.
As soon as you see the symbol, you see that it is masculine and dominant because of its thicker lines. If Adolfo had made a logo with a thinner line, it would look more feminine and could be misidentified for cosmetic or beauty clinic type of a brand.
6. Hommys by Jahid Hasan

I don’t want to lose any words on Jahid’s project because he already provided us with a comprehensive explanation of his design process behind the Hommys logo.
“The logo has been designed for a home loan company named “Hommys.” The client wanted a sophisticated but welcoming logo. They wanted a mark which people will recognize easily. The concept came from “Love for Home.” Everyone wants to have a home of their own. Most of us have an emotion about their sweet home. So we tried to represent heart shape in a subtle way. Also, keep the home icon in the center of the heart. Moreover, it will work perfectly on all the brand elements of the company.
7. Catch Logo Design by Second Eight

Second Eight designed this logo for Catch company, which creates and develops applications for the finance industry. The symbol is a representation of a letter c combined with the two fishes swimming at the end of the letter.
Fishes and letter c is divided into two different shapes with the unconnected line, which also signifies the shadow and gives the whole form a 3D look.
Second Eight used lower case font for the logotype inscription, and because fishes in the symbol have minimal white space between them, it makes it look like a lower case c letter. On the other hand, if the white space would be more significant, it would appear as upper case one.
8. Monkey with bowl by Sandro laliashvili

Even though Sandro didn’t say anything about combining letters in his logo design, you can not unsee how monkey forms a letter G with its hand positioning, combined with the tail shape. However, if you focus only on the shape of the tail, you could say it forms a letter C.
Take a look into the center of the logotype, and you will see that the monkey’s hand and its corp crate a letter M in a negative space. In this logotype, you can see hard/straight elements that are complemented with some round ones and ultimately united into an overall circular shape.
9. Kafene Logo Design by Jacek Janiczak

Let’s look at the Kafene logo made by Jacek Janiczak. You can see how the capital letter K is formed into a mark form two different sized triangles and a rectangle. Those different shapes could symbolize the various industries that use their services.
Because of their proximity, it looks like they are coming together. The shadow under the upper triangle gives the symbol deepness and it’s perceived as the closest element to the viewer. Visually the farthest away is the rectangle, and the lower triangle is in between the two.
Apart from having a shadow, the rectangle has a highlight as well, which creates an entrance like shape. To make it a more friendly-looking symbol, Jacek used rounded corners for the mentioned elements.
The K logo mark is made with thicker lines so it can be easily found and seen on a mobile app where you’re limited with the space of the icon. If you explore the project further, you can see that Jacek created a logotype for achromatic light and dark background as well, and in this case, the shade cuts into the rectangle element.
The color pallet chosen for the symbol is a perfect one because Kafene offers financial services to their clients and the color that symbolizes the finance, yes you’ve guessed it right, it’s green!
10. BiRD logotype by Yoga Perdana

Let’s finish this list of the best logo ideas of December 2019 with one of my favorite logo designers Yoga Perdana. He created this beautiful logotype with the help of my favorite logo design style – negative space.
Yoga cleverly designed this logo with the combination of a bird silhouette and the letters. I love the way how the front shape of a bird slashes into the first letter B.
Yoga could make a bird with a more straightforward figure but he went all in and designed it with spread wings and tail. Because of that, it looks like the bird is landing and gives the logotype majestic effect.
The whole bird figure could be cut into the first three letters but in that case, the profoundness of the optical space would be lost. So Yoga created a three-dimensional space where the bird’s wing is in front of the letter I and the rest of the body is tucked behind it.
The choice of the bolder font gives the whole logotype a powerful look. The typography is slanted and because of that, it looks like the whole word is in action/moving, and this additionally compliments the landing of the bird.
The gradient shape on the bird’s body and its tail makes the silhouette more prominent and sets it in front of the sign. Besides that, it emphasizes the third dimension of the bird.
Although it’s a minimalistic looking logo, you can see that there are a lot of details included in it. Besides the already mentioned ones, you can not overlook the element designed in the R counter, which is formed in the shape of the bird’s wing as well.
Final Words
These are my top 10 logo ideas for the last month of 2019. I hope you found the needed inspiration for your next graphic design project from the list above.
Don’t forget to come back and to check out what great logotypes were created in the first month of the year, and you can also explore some different logo ideas of the previous months HERE.